- A student must carry his/her almanac to school every day. It must have
his/her photograph and personal information completed and duly signed by
- Girls should plait their hair if it is below the shoulder. Short hair
should be neatly cut and pinned. Only grey ribbon and hair bands
- Lending or borrowing of money and other articles is not permitted.
- No student allowed to come to school in a self-driven scooter,
motorcycle, or car.
- Change of classrooms’ between periods should be done in silence and in
an orderly fashion.
- No shouting and whistling allowed in the school campus.
- Students are expected to respect the property of others. This includes
respect for school property and no student should damage any school
furniture, school equipment, write or draw anything on the walls or in
any way damage others belongings. Damage done even by accident should be
reported at once to the class teacher or to the Principal. Any damage
done will be made good by the one who causes it. Anyone who notices
something damaged should report the matter even if he or she does not
know who has done it. Students are not allowed to bring any sharp
instrument to school. Students are advised to keep the classroom/ campus
as neat as possible and throw leftovers into the dustbins only.
- Students who came to school in the care of guardian should never leave
before the guardian arrives. In case of delay, they should report to the
school office.
- The students of SEI should observe standards of politeness wherever they
go. They should always remember that the school is judged by their
conduct. They should greet their teachers when they meet them. Bullying
and the use of foul language are punishable offences. Since it is a
Co-ed school, it is expected that students behave in a manner, which
brings a good name to the school community, and do not indulge in any
anti-social activity in or outside the school.
- The school reserves the right to suspend or to take strict disciplinary
action against a student whose diligence or progress in studies is
constantly unsatisfactory or whose conduct is harmful to other students.
- Parents and guardians may not visit their wards or teachers in the
classrooms without the permission of the Principal.
- Students should get their report cards signed by their guardians/
parents within two days of the receipt of the same.
- No students shall indulge in any of the following practices namely :-
- Splitting in or near the school building
- Smoking
- Any form of gambling
- Use of drugs or intoxicants except on the prescription of a
medical practitioner
- Rude behavior
- Use of violence in any form
- Any form of argument with teaching/non-teaching or hospitality
- The observance of rules of discipline of the school and good behavior is
an essential condition for student’s continuance in the school. In case
a student violates the school rules or indulges in any form of
indiscipline, strict action like expulsion / suspension /rustication
shall be taken against the student.
- The students who will be selected to participate/ represent the school
in sports/cultural or any other activities will have to participate
- SEI Road Safety Policy
- Always Use the service lane while commuting to and from school.
- Submit an application to your class teacher, if bringing a
bicycle stating that bicycle is having proper working lock.
- Driving of two-wheeler or four-wheeler by student is strictly
prohibited and punishable as per law.
- Do not cross the road running or in hurry. STOP, look left and
Right and then cross the road. While departing from the bus do
not cross the bus from back or from front. Wait and let the bus
move ahead first.
- Do not take out your hands out side of the bus while commuting.
- Ride your bicycle always at left side of the road. Do not ride
your bicycle in the middle of the road.
- Never stand inside the moving vehicle.
- Note: Expensive/ unauthorized
articles brought in school premises, will be confiscated and will be
returned to the parents only after the end of academic session.