CBSE Affiliation No. 2131020

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Summative Assessment -1

Dear Parents (Class I, II, III, IV, V), Greetings !

The Summative Assessment – I (class I to V) for the academic session 2023 – 24, is commencing from September 16, 2023. We are giving below few pointers for your kind perusal.

September 15, 2022Art & CraftArt & Craft
September 16, 2022EnglishComputerEVSHindiSocial Science
September 17, 2022Examination preparatory break
September 18, 2022Art & CraftHindiEnglishEnglishMathematics
September 19, 2022Examination Preparatory Break
September 20, 2022HindiEVSComputerScienceHindi
September 21, 2022Examination Preparatory Break
September 22, 2022ComputerME & GKME & GKComputerEnglish
September 23-24, 2022Examination Preparatory Break
September 25, 2022EVSEnglishMathematicsSocial ScienceScience
September 26, 2022Examination Preparatory Break
September 27, 2022ME & GKMathematicsHindiME & GKComputer
September 28, 2022Examination Preparatory Break
September 29, 2022MathematicsArt & CraftArt & CraftMathematicsME & GK

2. This examination is concluding term assessment/ highest accumulation and school needs to maintain proper records as per CBSE directives.

Hence, this examination is linked with ‘Admit Card’. Please collect your child admit card from school office as per your convenience.

Note: Last date for collection of Admit Card is September 12, 2023.

3. Time Schedule during examination(September16–29,2023) : School Timings:7.30 am to 12.15pm

           7:30am to 7.50am  Morning Assembly
           7:50am to 8.10am  Class Attendance</br>
           8:10am to 8.30am  Seating Arrangement</br>
           8:30am to 11.30am Examination Time</br>
           11:30am to 11.45am Examination Protocol Execution</br>
           11.45am to 12.05pm   Lunch Time</br>
           School Dispersal:  12.15pm</br>

4. Examination syllabus is given in school almanac for students’ reference.

5. Pay your child’s fees to avoid inconvenience.

Note: For queries contact class teacher/ school office.


I/C Examination

Dated: August 30, 2023